The Boundless Banality of Beige: A Rant
January 29, 2021
Interior RA / Didonè Comacchio Architects
January 29, 2021

During times of isolation, many people have been talking about the importance of greenery in indoor spaces as a way to nourish our vital relationship with nature. These touches of green can contribute to the well-being and emotional comfort of users, whether in homes or commercial spaces.

Besides this psychological connection, a well-designed indoor garden can also help to purify the air and provide thermal comfort to the environment.

To achieve this, one must keep in mind factors such as sun orientation, ventilation, and of course, choosing the species that best adapt to the climate where they will be placed.

With this in mind, we have selected 10 interior designs that feature indoor gardens combining physical and psychological benefits with their aesthetic quality.

Picture Courtsey: Evelyn Müller

Blog Courtesy: Camilla Ghisleni
