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January 23, 2021

Russian artist Aysylu Zaripova captures the complexity of buildings and cityscapes in intricate large-scale sketches. These fantastic drawings show the schematics for imaginary places from extreme perspectives so that they appear to be three-dimensional. While currently an architecture student at Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering, Zaripova shares some of her best urban sketches on her Instagram where they’ve garnered thousands of likes and comments.

Not only do these striking drawings display the artist’s mastery of rendering complicated structures at different angles, but they also demonstrate her incredible imagination in constructing detailed urban worlds. From industrial power plants to old-fashioned trains to sidewalks hoisted high up in the sky, Zaripova creates countless components to fill her compositions. Most of them are seen from an aerial view, but on occasion, she distorts the drawing to imitate a fisheye lens.

Each stage of Zaripova’s meticulous process is mesmerizing to behold. Her pencil drafts show how much measuring and linework is involved to produce these striking pieces before they are layered with ink and delicate watercolor washes. Once color and tone are added, these places come to life.

Blog Courtesy:  Margherita Cole

Architecture Student Sketches Bird’s Eye View of Exquisite Imaginary Cities
